
Overview of Partner Build Process

Understand how we build with Partners.

The stages involved in developing a standalone or joint feature with a Product or Technology partner are:

1. Become a Partner

If your partnership application succeeds, you can become a partner by signing our Partnership & Technology Agreements. You can request more information via our Partnership Inquiries form.

2. Build Application

Once you've become a partner, we'll work with you to understand more about what you're seeking to build and the customer problems this will solve. This will help inform the data, credential scopes and API access you'll need to start building in Sandbox.

3. Sandbox Build & Unit Testing

After confirming on the agreed build, we'll provide access to sandbox endpoints and dummy data for you to develop on and unit test.

We'll provide you with support in your build to ensure everything comes together smoothly.

4. Review Build

After building and testing in Sandbox, we'll review your build and ensure it meets our technical standards. We may recommend additional changes at this point. If not and your build is approved to move forward, we'll look to find a production deployment date.

5. Early Access or Pilot Testing

After review and approval in Sandbox, we'll move to Production endpoints in addition to running small scale testing with early access customers.

6. General Access Release

After our customer testing program we will release the native feature publicly for our mutual customers to benefit from.

7. Partner Ecosystem Listing

We'll list your organization and feature within our Partner Ecosystem Marketplace where it can be more easily discovered.

Beyond these technical & product components that are needed for each build, there are a range of partnership, GTM, marketing, support and enablement activities that we factor into our releases. Expect these as part of the build journey with us so we can ensure we take it to market with a high level of quality and coordination.